OpenEDG C++ Institute

The C++ Institute is a non-profit project venture set up, run, and managed by OpenEDG to promote the C/C++ programming languages, train a new generation of C/C++ programmers, and support professional careers in programming in C/C++ and related technologies. In line with the strategic goals associated with the enhancement and development of careers in C/C++ programming, OpenEDG C++ Institute provides an independent global framework for curriculum development, skills assessment, and C/C++ programming high-stakes examinations.

OpenEDG C++ Institute offers training courses at all levels of C/C++ programming, from absolute beginner to advanced professional programmer, and just as C/C++ itself is free and open-source, all the core online self-study courses offered by the C++ Institute are free for everybody. OpenEDG C++ Institute also offers independent and vendor-neutral certification in the C/C++ Programming languages, provided in cooperation with Pearson VUE, the world’s leader in computer-based testing.

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Member of the Association of Test Publishers Global


Member of IT Professionalism Europe

Goals and mission

  • Work closely with schools, colleges, and universities, as well as companies, organizations, and institutions to help them fulfill their needs, goals, and commitments with regard to the C/C++ language;
  • Develop methodologies for teaching C/C++, create course content and help adapt curriculums and frameworks for course design and delivery to improve the quality of C/C++ education;
  • Develop frameworks and benchmarks for C/C++ skills assessment, and perform Job Tasks Analyses (JTAs), Training Needs Analyses, Skills Gap Analyses, and market studies (qualitative and quantitative types of research) to analyze and understand the actual demand for C/C++ and related technologies in order to bridge the gap between the education and industry sectors;
  • Provide teaching and learning tools and resources for educational institutions and individual learners;
  • Support careers in C/C++ programming and related technologies through partnership programs with industry organizations and standardized, objective, and reliable KSA assessment programs;
  • Support and foster the development of the C/C++ language and C/C++ programming projects, and promote the initiatives carried out by vibrant C/C++ communities;
  • Promote the development and implementation of open-source projects, especially those that address the needs and crises that exist in the world today.

Training and certifications

Open Education and Development Group together with Cisco Networking Academy – the leading global education program, Pearson VUE – the leader in computer-based testing, and a network of OpenEDG Strategic, Education, and Testing Service Partners, have established collaboration for the delivery of learning and certification programs created for the C/C++ programming language.

Training courses

The C++ Institute courses cover both theoretical and practical concepts that are essential for interacting with real-life programming tasks and situations. They contain quizzes, tests, interactive assessments, and lab exercises that facilitate the understanding of programming concepts and the conversion of knowledge into practical skills. They have been designed and reviewed by experienced faculty and industry professionals, with the goal of meeting current market trends, and equipping you with a handset of skills for careers in software development, IT, and related technologies.

OpenEDG C++ Institute Course Roadmap

Industry certifications

The OpenEDG C++ Institute certification program was designed following a rigorous process of industry and market research to accurately determine the demand for specialized professionals in the given sectors: through Job Task Analyses (JTAs), Training Needs Analyses (TNAs), and Skills Gap Analyses (SGAs) aiming to identify the work requirements and skills sought by employers looking to hire C/C++ programmers; and an intensive examination of the education system that lays out the foundation for the training and development of IT specialists, web developers, managers, and aspiring programmers.

OpenEDG C++ Institute Certification Roadmap

Open Education and Development Group (OpenEDG), in its certification development process, adopts a meticulous, consultation-driven, and competency-oriented approach to test design, utilizing qualitative development frameworks, subject-centered design patterns, and psychometric modelling conducted in alignment with the prescriptive guidance for educational and psychological assessment practices put forth in the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (AERA, APA, NCME), European Test User Standards (EFPA, EAWOP), and the European Test Review Model (EFPA, EAWOP).

C++ Institute Website